Meet Dr Darryl-Lee Prince

Dr Darryl-Lee Prince, BSc Biological Life Science, BSc Med Science, MBBCh

Medical Doctor (Psychiatry-MOSS) - Takapuna Clinic [covered by Southern Cross within GP Services]

Dr Darryl-Lee is a Medical Doctor (Psychiatry) with over 20 years experience working in psychiatry with children and adolescents. Having originally trained in South Africa, Dr Darryl has been practicing in New Zealand since 2002. She has held a broad range of roles, principally in psychiatry including maternal mental health, infant mental health, eating disorders, primary care liaison and general psychiatry but Dr Darryl has a particular interest in psychiatry in children and adolescents. As such, she has spent most of her career working within child and adolescent mental health.

Dr Darryl has extensive experience working with children and adolescents in Ministry of Health, local District Health Board community mental health services throughout NZ. She is also currently completing the final requirements of her registration to the Royal College of Psychiatry Fellowship program in NZ and once completed will continue to work in Psychiatry and specializing in child and adolescent mental health.

Professional Qualifications
- MBBCh (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery), University of Witwatersrand
- Bachelor of Science Medical Research Science, University of Witwatersrand
- Bachelor of Science Biological Life Science, University of Witwatersrand
- Certificate of Proficiency in Eating Disorders, University of Otago

Memberships to Professional College/Boards & Credentials
Medical Council New Zealand (MCNZ) General Scope limited to Psychiatry
ANZAED (Australia New Zealand Academy of eating disorders)
AED (Academy of eating disorders)
NEDC (National Eating Disorders Coalition)
IAED (International academy of eating disorders)
SASO (South African Society for Obesity).
FTAANZ (Family Therapy Association of New Zealand)
EDANZ (Eating Disorders Association of New Zealand)